Christofher Portfolio


About me

🔍 Who i am?

Greetings and welcome! I'm Christofher, a passionate certified Site Reliability Engineer and enthusiast of AWS Serverless services. I navigate the world of IT with enthusiasm, crafting seamless solutions using tools like CDKs, Go, Terraform, AWS, and occasionally Ansible. I particularly enjoy leveraging AWS Native services and tools like CDKs, Go, Terraform, and occasionally Ansible to create seamless solutions. Automation is my go-to approach, as it speeds up tasks and boosts efficiency.

📚 Self-Development

In my spare time, I am busy learning programming in Go, contributing to open-source projects like "Gin-Gonic" or "Web-Check by Lissy," and investing in the cryptocurrency world and stocks. Currently, I am working on a project called "skeleton-web-go-app," which is a template for web applications written in Go, inspired by Goravel (a Laravel fork for Go), Express NodeJS, Beego, PHP Laravel, etc. The uniqueness of this project lies in its high performance, self-readable, and easy-to-maintain code. Additionally, I am the CEO of an organization called LookinLabs (, which is a web development company primarily created for self-development purposes.

🚀 Consultancy Services

I'm open to challenges and opportunities, so feel free to contact me for IT consultancy services. It doesn't matter which topic you have in mind, whether it's about hosting a website somewhere, making decisions about moving your infrastructure from on-premises to the cloud, or selecting the right programming language for your project. Additionally, when it comes to AWS and on-premises solutions, I'm available to provide engineering services such as setting up infrastructure from scratch in an infra-as-code manner, or improving existing infrastructure. I want to emphasize that I prioritize finding the most cost-efficient solutions possible for your company. Remember, there are no impossible tasks, only tasks that need to be solved.

🏆 Experience & Achievements

My journey in IT started when I was 18 years old as a simple system administrator. In 5 years, I moved from system administrator to Senior Site Reliability Engineer. Behind the scenes, I did a lot of work, built many projects, learned a lot of things, failed numerous times, but never gave up. So, one of my proudest accomplishments was transitioning seven on-premise Kubernetes clusters from manual setups to fully automated, cloud-compatible systems in just four months. It was a significant undertaking, but I successfully executed it!

🌟 Opinion About Success

My experience has shown me that the best way to learn is through discipline. When faced with numerous failures, one should not surrender, but rather examine the situation from a different perspective and deduce accordingly. There's nothing that's impossible; you just need to find the right approach to solve the problem. Good examples of this are startup unicorns like Bolt, OpenAI, Figure, and Wallester. They encountered many failures, underwent multiple logo and company name changes, but ultimately found the path to success.

Site Reliability Engineer at LHV







Tech Stack

Here you can familiarise the main tech stack i'm familiar with